How often should you wash your hair?

Each head of hair is different, so there is really no correct answer. However, you can tell when you’re washing your hair too much if it starts to get dull, which means it’s time to scale back on the shampooing. By over-washing your hair, you can wash away your hair’s natural moisture which helps
your hair look healthy. If you’re not washing your hair often enough, you can have product build-up which could negatively impact your hair.

My advice to you: When washing use lukewarm water, because hot water can strip the scalp of sebum, which is the protective oil that acts as a natural conditioner and gives your hair its shine. When you create your initial natural hair regimen, begin by washing your hair once per week. Record how your hair responds for a few weeks, in your natural hair journal, and make adjustments to your regimen as necessary.

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